Health Center Communication Procedures & Patient Privacy

Patient Privacy – HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that protects sensitive health information and gives patients certain rights over their health records. HIPAA regulations in college health centers protect students’ medical privacy, meaning that, without explicit consent from the student, colleges generally cannot share details about a student’s health or treatment with their families, regardless of the student’s age. In the Providence College Student Health Center, students are given the opportunity to sign a HIPAA release at the time of visit allowing the Health Center staff to share health information with the student’s family. A new release must be signed at each appointment if the student wishes to continue to share their health information.

Procedures for Communication of Communicable Diseases

The Student Health Center follows the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) when communicating about communicable diseases. In the event that a student, faculty, or staff member is diagnosed with a communicable disease that would necessitate a public health response (such as mumps, bacterial meningitis, etc.), the Student Health Center follows these procedures:

  • Campus community members (students, faculty, and staff as appropriate) will be notified via email. Depending on the illness, notification may go to all of the campus community, or just a subset (for example, students from the same residence hall if there is an identified communicable illness in that hall). Those emails typically contain information about symptoms and when to contact the Student Health Center if students are concerned they might be affected. For those who are concerned, they are encouraged to check in with the Student Health Center at 401.865.2422.
  • Students who are considered to be at high risk because of exposure will be notified by the Student Health Center and/or the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) based upon the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and RIDOH. Potential screening and treatment will be offered and administered as indicated to prevent subsequent cases in at-risk students. If a student does not receive a message requesting a screening from the Student Health Center and/or RIDOH, the student is not known to be at risk.
  • Under the advisement of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), parents/family members may be notified via email of a communicable disease on campus. Generally, we would not notify families of diseases such as influenza or norovirus, but we would notify them when there are cases of bacterial meningitis, or mumps, or other infectious diseases that pose a significant threat to others on campus. However, please remember that unless your student has received an individual message from The Student Health Center and/or RIDOH requesting a screening, your student is not known to be at risk. We ask that you refrain from calling the Student Health Center about your student’s risk of exposure during times of a potential outbreak so that the staff can manage the situation and best meet the needs of all students.

In the Case of Serious Illness/Emergency

HIPAA does have certain exceptions where protected health information (PHI) can be disclosed without patient consent, particularly in the case of serious illness or emergency situations. In the event of serious illness, accident or injury, the Student Health Center works with the Dean of Students Office to coordinate the College’s response to the incident, which includes notification of family. For more information, please see The Dean of Students Office Parental Notification Guidelines.

Student Health Center

Office Visits: By appointment only during the academic year. The Health Center is closed during Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Easter Break, Spring Break, and the summer.

Office Hours: Monday – Friday​: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Lower Davis Hall

Public Safety/EMTs

For After-Hours Medical Emergencies (Nights & Weekends)

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